Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

Part of Speech


Parts of speech dalam bahasa Indonesia dikenal dengan kelas kata atau jenis-jenis kata. Dalam bahasa Inggris kelas kata dibagi menjadi 8 (The Eight Parts of Speech) atau disebut dengan istilah PANCAVIP, yaitu:
1.      Pronouns               (kata ganti)                  : I, you, we, they, he, etc.
2.      Adjectives             (kata sifat)                   : good, beautiful, clever, etc.
3.      Nouns                    (kata benda)                : book, love, sugar freedom, etc.
4.      Conjunctions         (kata sambung)            : and, but, or, while, etc.
5.      Adverbs                (kata keterangan)        : now, slowly, in the garden Etc.
6.      Verbs                     (kata kerja)                  : eat, drink, is, gone. Etc.
7.      Interjections          (kata seru)                   : hi! Hello! Alas! Oh my god!, etc.
8.      Prepositions           (kata depan)                : in, on, at, before, after, etc.

1.      Macam-Macam Pronouns:
My …….
Your …..
Our …..
Their …..
Her …..
His …..
Its …..
For instance : I bring my book for me by my self because the book is mine.
Demonstrative Pro.       :   This, that, these, those, the former, etc.
Relative Pro.                 :   Who, whom, which, that, where, when.
Interrogative Pro.          :   Who, whom, what, which, whose, how, why, where, when.
Reciprocal Pro.              :   Each other, one another.
Definite Pro.                 :   The other (s).
Indefinite Pro.               :   All, any, both, each, either, other(s), another, few, many, more, neither, none, some, someone, something, anything, one, ones, half.
Tata cara dan penggunaan pronoun:
  • Subject pronouns diletakkan sebelum verbs. à I read a book.
  • Object pronouns diletakkan setelah verbs. à Inayah gives us money.
  • Possessive adjective selalu diikuti kata benda. à She needs your pen.
  • Possessive pronoun tidak boleh diikuti kata benda. à This is mine book.
  • Reflexive pronouns berfungsi:
a.       Menegaskan subject      :   I myself did it last night.
b.      Menegaskan object       :   Did you see her herself yesterday?
c.       Sebagai object(S=O)     :   they can help themselves.
d.      Jika ada by = alone       :   He did his homework by himself
e.       Bentuk yang lain           :   Aryo cooks himself noodles
Shella cooks noodles for her herself

2.      Macam-Macam Adjective:
§  Possessive Adjectives (untuk kepunyaan yang terletak sebelum kata benda)
My book, your bag, our course, their school ……….
§  Interrogative Adjectives (kata tanya sebagai kata sifat)
What subject, which boy, whose car, how many men ………
§  Demonstrative Adjective (kata sebagai petunjuk)
This dictionary, that boy, these bins, those tins ……..
§  Distributive Adjective (bersifat distribusi)
Each student, every mother, either you or I ………
§  Numeral Adjective (bilangan sebagai kata sifat)
One stick, two cans, the first love, the second change ………
§  Quantitative Adjective (jumlah)
Much money, many teachers, little water, few words …….
§  Descriptive Adjective (menggambarkan)
Aura is good, pretty, polite, kind, and cute ……..

Beberapa aturan dalam menyusun adjective adalah:
Ø  adjective yang menyatakan opini diletakan setelah determiner (article), setelah itu baru adjective yang menyatakan fakta.
Opinion adjectives  :   bright, beautiful, delicious …………….
Fact adjectives        :   new, red, round, wooden …………….
Contoh                    :   a bright red dress
      O    F
The strong Chinese boy
             O            F
Ø  Apabila fact adjective lebih dari satu, biasanya fact adjectives disusun sebagai berikut:
Poss. Adj.
Dem. Adj.
made of

-          a tall young man                          :   seorang pria muda tinggi.
-          the small black plastic bag          :   tas plastic hitam kecil itu.
-          his long new white Korean car   :   Mobil Korea putih baru panjang (milik) nya.

3.      Noun
berdasarkan wujud dibagi menjadi:
Ø  Concrete Noun (dapat dipanca indera) :
a.       Common Noun     (bentuk umum)            : people, person, book, pen.
b.      Proper Nouns        (nama sesuatu)            : Jacky, London, Jakarta.
c.       Collective Nouns  (kumpulan)                  : a bundle, a pair, a team …..
d.      Material Nouns     (benda alami)              : gold, stone, silver …..

Ø  Abstract Nouns,
Ada beberapa abstract noun yang mempunyai bentuk asli seperti kata love, water. Namun secara umum dapat dibuat melalui derivational word seperti berikut:
a.       Akhiran     - ment:                         e. Akhiran       - y:
Amaze       - amazement                    deliver         - delivery
Agree        - agreement                     injure           - injury
b.      Akhiran     - ion/tion                      f. akhiran         - ness:
Act                        - action                           clever            - cleverness
Prepare      - preparation                   happy           - happiness
c.       Akhiran     - ance/ence:                 g. Bentuk-bentuk lain:
Attend       - attendance                    able              - Ability
Differ        - difference                     brave           - bravery
d.      Akhiran     - t:                                    bore             - boredom
Complain   - complaint                      free              - freedom
Fly             - flight                             hope                        - hope

Berdasarkan jumlah, noun berbentuk tunggal dan jamak (lebih dari satu):
Ø  Umumnya ditambah s/es:
- pen                            - pens                           - fox-foxes
Ø  Akhiran ‘y’ yang didahului konsonan (“y” diganti:
- lady                           - ladies                         - baby-babies
Ø  Konsonan ‘y’ yang didahului vocal:
- boy                            - boys                          - toy-toys
Ø  Akhiran ‘o’ ditambah es:
- bamboo                     - bambooes                  - tomato-tomatoes
Ø  Akhiran ‘o’ ditambah s:
- memo                        - memos                       - radio-radios
Ø  Akhiran ‘o’ yang bisa ditambah s/es:
- mosquito-mosquitos/mosquitoes
- volcano-volcanos/volcanoes
Ø  Akhiran ‘f’ atau ‘fe’ menjadi  -ves:
- calf                            - calves                        - knife-knives
Ø  Bentuk tunggal dan jamaknya sama:
- deer                           - fish                            - means
- sheep                         - species                       - series
Ø  Beberapa noun yang bentuk jamaknya tidak beraturan, seperti:
- man – men                - woman-women         - child-children
- goose-geese               - foot-feet                    - louse-lice
- tooth-teeth                - mouse-mice
Ø  Beberapa noun yang dihukumi jamak dalam structure bahasa:
- people
-  Government

4.      Conjunction
berdasarkan arti dan penggunaannya:
A.    Co-ordinating conjunction (kata penghubung yang sederajat)
1.      Cumulative (penambahan); And, as well as, and also – not only… but also, than, besides, furthermore, further, moreover, both.
For instance : both Inayah and Dini can play piano well.
2.      Adversative (berlawanan); Yet, still, however, inspite of, nevertheless, no matter, though, despite that, whereas, while, but then, although, not withstanding, on the other hand, only.
For instance: This car is like this but expensive
3.      Alternative (pilihan): Either, or, neither, nor.
For instance : you do it or go from here.
4.      illusive (akibat): Because, since, for, as, so,  therefore, consequently, accordingly, hence.
For instance: Interisti was shocked because Zlatan Ibrahimovic moved to Barca.
B.     Sub-ordinative conjunction (kata penghubung induk kalimat dg anak kalimat
That, because, unless, as, so that, in case, in order that, after, such as, as soon as     , while, as long as, before, when, on condition that, till, until, whenever, though, although, however, whatever, whether, no matter, not whit standing, if, since, suppose, lest, than.
For instance: He said that Mourinho moved from Geuseppe Meazza.

5.      Adverb:
Ø  Adverb of place         (ket. tempat)                : here, in the school, etc.
Ø  Adverb of time           (ket. waktu)                 : now, next Wednesday, etc.
Ø  Adverb of manner       (ket. cara)                    : slowly, well, by car, etc.
Ø  Adverb of direction    (ket. arah)                    : yonder, to the west etc.
Ø  Adverb of degree        (ket. tingkatan)            : very, so, too, etc.
Ø  Distinguishing adv.     (menekankan)              : especially, only, etc.
Ø  Sentence adv.              (penjelas kalimat)        : actually, evidently, etc.
Ø  Conjunctive adv.         (hubungan)                  : therefore, nevertheless, etc.
Ø  Explanatory                 (penggambaran)          : namely, for example, etc.
Ø  Interrogative adv.       (penanya)                    : where, when, how, etc.
Ø  Relative adv.               (penghubung)              : when, where, etc.
For instance : Diego came to Appiano Gentile by car yesterday
Cara membuat adverb of time:
    1. Menambahkan -ly pada kata sifat;  Serious à seriously (dengan serius)
    2. Tidak ditambah –ly pada kata-kata: Hard (dengan keras), Fast (dengan cepat), Well (dengan baik)
For instance: I do it well.
    1. Menggunakan – by + noun: By train (dengan baik kereta api)
    2. Tidak beraturan: On foot (dengan jalan kaki)

f.       Verb
Dalam satu kalimat harus hanya ada satu verb ordinat  (pusat). Jika ada lebih dari satu kata kerja, maka dipilih hanya satu sebagai verb pusat.
Eg: Boaz had been scoring a goal since he moved from his injured.
              Aux verb          verb ord                                                                              verb phrase

Ø  V-1 (infinitive)                        : call, speak, write, put.
Ø  V-2 (past form)                       : called, spoke, wrote, put.
Ø  V-3 (past participle)                : called, spoken, written, put.
Ø  V-ing (present participle)        : calling, speaking, writing.
Ø  V-1 (s/es) (special verb)          : calls, speaks, writes, puts.
Ø  Transitive verb (perlu object)  : call, read, eat, write, drink.
Ø   Intransitive (tidak perlu Obj.): run, go, cry, fly, sleep.
Ø  Trans/intrans                            : study, fly.
Ø  Ordinary verb (k. kerja biasa) : eat, sit, go, read, keep.
Ø  Auxiliary verb (k. kerja bantu): do, does, have, has, did, is, was, been.
Ø  Linking verb (k. kerja yang tidak menunjukkan aktivitas): is, feel …
Kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris bentuk V2 dan V3 ada yang beraturan yaitu tinggal menambahkan –ed pada akhir kata seperti wait à waited, dan ada juga yang irregular atau tidak beraturan, seperti
drink à drank à drunk.
g.      Macam-macam interjections:
-          kegembiraan                : hurray!           - Kesedihan     : alash!
-          persetujuan                  : bravo!            - kejemuan       : heigh-ho!
-          perhatian                     : hush!             - celaan            : fie! fie!
-          ketidaksabaran                        : pshaw!           - amarah          : damn it!

h.      prepositions (kata depan):
  1. Free Preposition :
On       : On Sunday, on March 5, 2004, on the table.
In         : In March, in 1968, in the classroom.
at         : at 7o’clock, at jl. Pangeran Puger.
  1. Bound preposition (terikat) à disesuaikan dengan kata-kata sebelumnya
- Angry with               - Agree with               - Smile at          - sick to
- Jealous of                  - Interested in             - Sick of 

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