Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

Idioms 1

How did you feel

1.          I’ve got headache = saya sakit kepala
2.          I’ve got stomachache = saya sakit perut
3.          I’ve got toothache = saya sakit gigi
4.          I’ve got flu = saya kena flu
5.          He got ulcer in the mouth = dia kena sariawan
6.          I’ve got fever = saya demam
7.          You should see the dentist = kamu seharusnya periksa ke dokter gigi
8.          My body sick all over = badanku pegal-pegal / sakit semua
9.          You’ve got real dry skin = kulitmu bersisik
10.     You’ve got a scratchy heel = tumitmu pecah – pecah
11.     I’ve got itchy on my body = badanku gatal – gatal
12.     He got thick dirt on his body = dia dakinya tebal

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